Business Development

If you originally chose not direction of development of their business, what would you rationality, emotion and adaptability are not used – as a result you necessarily expect or mediocre results, or the failure of the enterprise. It because of this reason the foundation is laid for success in the very beginning. And this foundation is built directly on intuition, a rational and an emotional charge, which would then be the energy for your long-term effects. Now I am going to ask you some questions whose answers you will be able to accurately determine whether your original choice of the faithful, and the idea profitable. Answer these questions are simply yes, no or not sure: Is Your proposal (the idea) has a high enough uniqueness to date? In fact there already exists a real demand for your proposal? Are you chose the activity that brings you fun and you can continuously and easily they do it? Whether you are competent enough in this direction? Whether your choice is not simply the result of a sharp emotional state, but a real analysis of all advantages and disadvantages of such a decision for you? If you answered at least one question no or not sure, then you have chosen the wrong direction (the idea) of your business. Once you are sincere and easy to answer all these questions is yes, you are at the top ten. David Zaslav is often quoted as being for or against this.

Movement. Daily work to achieve the goals. Usually on the third step is broken most people.