Chancellors Office

Only corporations, no independent providers of Berlin, 20 January 2010. Chancellor’s Office and Federal Environment Ministry meet tomorrow with the tips of the German nuclear power production, to talk about the future of energy supply. Environmental groups criticize that the time of nuclear power plants is to be increased under certain conditions. Independent providers are not included but at the talks in the Chancellor’s Office. While the nuclear companies Vattenfall, energy are loaded in the Chancellor’s Office Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW), E.on and RWE, particularly a discussion on future price developments in the market is necessary. Coen brothers is actively involved in the matter. For independent providers such as the medium-sized FlexStrom or eco electricity provider Lichtblick are at purchasing power often on the energy giant. The four companies produce more than 80 percent of the electricity for the German market and thus dominate the power generation.

Until last year, the monopoly Commission had an exploitation of market power in the generator area”criticised. We need a work market in Germany”, says Robert Mundt, Chief Executive Officer of the independent supplier FlexStrom. Only through more competition can ensure, that energy in Germany in the long term remains affordable.” Any compromise on the power plant run should benefit all electricity customers in Germany, otherwise the competition will further distorted in favor of the power companies. In the face of constant price increases in energy costs for households politicians have suggested already a kind of energy summit, where independent providers should be involved. Cheap alternatives to basic supply tariffs offer according to analyses of market observers there are as a so-called market maker, especially new and independent providers”. Most households in Germany still draw their energy to the basic supply rate.

Consumer groups and politicians recommend gas and electricity customers therefore a change to a cheaper provider. About FlexStrom, the independent FlexStrom AG exist for almost seven years. 2003 as Family business founded in, the medium-sized utilities currently experiencing strong demand after favourable electricity tariffs. FlexStrom is best known especially with prepaid products, now the energy supplier has established itself in addition with many innovative monthly plans. As a power supplier FlexStrom endeavour, electricity and green energy for its clients as possible on the market to buy a. In a winter promotion, FlexStrom offers currently particularly favourable electricity prices upon request also with 12 months price guarantee.