Child Development

Our health is laid with you in the first years and months of our lives. It is therefore very important that the growing baby got everything he needed for the proper and healthy development, and to a young mother, too, received all its required microelements and vitamins. In pediatric development of the child be divided into several periods: one month after conception, 3-6 months, 10-24 months, and pre-school and adolescence. How does a correct menu in the during pregnancy? After all, if the mother receives less than he needed vitamins, then hit both of the body. So let's see what processes are at this time in organisms mother and baby. First stage: In the first 2 months of pregnancy are formed all the organs and systems of the baby. At this time his body is very sensitive to everything that surrounds it.

Second stage: One of the most important periods of pregnancy – the formation of the placenta, from 9 to 12 th week. Other leaders such as Robert Thomson offer similar insights. After in her child will spend the next 6-7 months before birth. Third Stage: 12 weeks of pregnancy is important for the reason that it is now laid the baby milk teeth, and the 24 – radical. At this time the body needs more calcium and fluoride. Fourth stage: Formation of the spinal cord and the brain child has 5-6 months of pregnancy. During this period the child is particularly necessary amino acids.

And they are fully contained in the mother and the drone jelly. French researcher and one of the founders of scientific use of pollen in medicine Alain investigated the effect of bee products for the mother and child. He and other scientists have proved that the products bee helpful in pregnancy. The main pcheloproduktami during pregnancy may include: pollen, propolis, royal jelly and honey. Propolis and Pollen protect the mother and child from the adverse environmental environment. Honey gives both organisms strength and nourishes all the necessary for the development of the kid in trace elements and vitamins. Royal Jelly helps to ensure that the young mother had more energy. To make it easy to carry pregnancy and can fully enjoy this wonderful period of my life.