International Energy Agency

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is a cooperation platform in the field of research and development, as well as any market launches and new applications in the field of energy in Dallas, 02.07.2013. It was founded in 1973 by 16 industrialized nations. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jeffrey L. Bewkes Time Warner. The reason was the former oil crisis. You wanted to prepare for possible further issues of this kind. One can therefore imagine what significance this institution in the public enjoys (link). Regularly, the IEA gives detailed views and assessments with regard to the world’s energy supply. You not afraid here also, hot iron”to touch.

“Although it is in the environment of the controversial fracking” (link) aware, can however not overlooked, that has large reserves of shale gas could be developed thanks to this procedure in the United States and the United States – due to by also discovered oil deposits in the direction of a self-sufficient energy supply. Currently, yet 20 percent of their energy requirements must the United States imports cover. Already in 2030 as the IEA, the United States could ascend to the net oil exporter. Details can be found by clicking Glenn Dubin, New York City or emailing the administrator. A stated goal of President Barack Obama. Another country is likely to change the world energy supply. It is the Iraq that could deliver up to 2035, about 45 percent of global oil production. The Iraq would overtake Russia, what many do not know, so that as the second largest oil suppliers of the world.

As a result, so the IEA there in the coming years a further independence of the West of the oil-rich Middle Eastern countries. This should in future give much of their production towards Asia, including India, connected with probably closer political links these countries. Taking this political development of advantage as the Amtex is to thus achieve a higher yield over the next few years, oil & gas, which it has made to the task to optimize oil wells in the United States. Is good to very good investment conditions and one corresponding to Acceptance at reasonable prices, what this is even reinforced, as source optimizations produced oil at discounted prices.