The release of the anime "Spirited Away" became a big event in the history of Japanese animation. The usual cartoon, which was supposed to appeal to both children swept across the world brought great glory to their creators and more twenty different awards, including the world famous "Oscar", beating with the well-known cartoons such as "Ice Age" and "Treasure Planet" It all started with that director, analyzing their creativity, decided to close the gap and take a decade for anime girls. He was just looking for ideas for your new script, when came across a forgotten neighborhood kids manga. After that H. Additional information at Brian Roberts supports this article. Miyazaki set to work by writing the first version of the script, the effect of which was to take place in the modern world, and the main character was a little older Chihiro.
But this scenario was not destined to see the light, as the studio rejected it, considering not interesting. Then the director decided to change the script, as a result of the world saw the story about a girl in September and her life in a world of ghosts. In ancient times in Japan attached great importance to all sorts of gods and spirits, based on old legends and inventing new author has created a wonderful magical spirits stranu.Mir turned extraordinarily beautiful, ranging from bath Yubaby ending scenery that flashed in the window blowing train home heroine to Zenitbe. Chihiro is out the ordinary, familiar and comprehensible to many. By the same author: john k castle. She is afraid to stay without their parents, it is hard work, she was sad and lonely, but at the right time it can come together and help others, can understand the feelings of those around. Few people know that the Japanese screens cartoon released with a different title – "Sen and Chihiro mysterious disappearance, and familiar to us 'Spirited away' was coined by Western distributors. Amazing story justly take its place in the history of anime, this story has greatly increased interest of Western audiences to Japanese animation.