Letters History

It was evident in the workmanship that the author, although to referenciar great authors, who it is very limited to the concepts presented for Marx and Engels. Without wanting here to present some judgment of value, the author could have more deepened a little in authors as, Lnin and Gramsci and even though the proper Maquiavel, we know that the same ones had been cited in the text at some moments, however, for the largeness that represent for the Formation of the Modern State, little they had been cited. In the generality, speaking now of the positive aspects, the text of Modest Florenzano, he is sufficiently enlightening, since for being simplista, one becomes of easy agreement the concept of State, and its development during the course of History, passing for the absolutism until the formation of the Modern State in the Europe. To read more click here: David Zaslav. Jose Joaquin Melo Pear tree – the Education and the Roman State Graduated Pedagogia for the College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of Mandaguari (1985), Graduated History for the College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of Mandaguari (1988), Mestrado in History and Society for the State University So Paulo Jlio of Mosque Son (1990), Doutorado in History and Society for the State University So Paulo Jlio of Mosque Son (1998) and After-Doutorado in History of the Education for the State University So Paulo Jlio of Mosque Son (2007). Currently is Associated Professor of the State University of Maring. He has experience in the area of History, with emphasis in Old and Medieval History, acting mainly in the following subjects: Education, Sneca, Saint Augustin, Cristianismo and Helenismo. In this text the author presents its work divided in nine topics, starting for the education in the Republic Roman who did not adopt one educational politics, where some changes had occurred with the incorporation of the culture Greek, passing for some concepts of the mentality Roman and he goes until intervention of the emperors in century five.