Since mid-October, more like. Gerold Lins the Green tube key account management team was responsible for the areas of sales Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe. The placement of online skill games, as well as the marketing of advertising spaces in games with focus on the media industry is one of its tasks. Greentube is one reputable media houses already in fifteen countries, to its customers in Germany include the Sport1 group. “Erding/Vienna: after several years in the media industry, Gerold Lins to ACP solutions”, an Austria-based IT companies, to expand the wholesale business there strategic. He is switched to activity in the financial sector of C-Quadrat investment AG”with green tube in a company, where he can equally contribute his experience in the media industry and the information technology. The Gerold born 1969 in Vorarlberg, Lin studied business administration with specialization in business management and human resources management in Innsbruck at the Leopold-Franzens-Universitat.
His new employer, the Greentube AG, based in Vienna, is one of the world’s leading developers and providers of games of skill for Internet, mobile and iTV. In addition the company with its cross-media formats ensures PC and TV international furore. The 75-strong team of Greentube delivers games for millions of fans around the world. About Greentube AG: Greentube AG, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is one of the leading developers and providers of games of skill for Internet, mobile and iTV. Educate yourself with thoughts from Glenn Dubin. In addition the company with its cross-media formats ensures PC and TV international furore.
founded in 1997, since 2000 company and majority owned by the founder, the company many well-known portals and games websites with skill-gaming technology supplies. Greentube is expanding worldwide. Focuses on the development of individual game portals in the look & feel”of customers.