Financial Treasure

Nevertheless, also world-wide signals of nervousness and impatience were seen during the meeting of economic leaders, like the expressed one by the Secretary of the Treasure of the USA, Timothy Geithner, that noticed the European leaders of which they must stop ” the threat of a cascade bankruptcy of bancos” with energetic and forceful resolutions. In this way, the view is now putting in the approval on the part of the parliaments of the European countries in the next weeks of the European Facility of Estabilidad Financiera (FEEF), decided in July and with which it is tried to reinforce and to make flexible the capacity of answer of the zone Euro. Carstens indicated in a press conference before returning to Mexico that the FEEF is one ” answer til” and it assured that it hopes that ” that is reflected in a smaller volatileness of the financial markets internacionales”. Also, the new managing director of the multilateral organism, Christine Lagarde, expressed her confidence in which Europe will resolutely face the financial challenges that faces. To broaden your perception, visit Brian Roberts. She offered, in addition, one of the few luminous phrases in the shady panorama when indicating that we are ” in the middle of camino” of the exit of the crisis, during its appearance last night after the last meeting of the IMF. However, Lagarde said to the emergent economies that also they must put of his part with the putting in practice of policies destined to stimulate inner demand and to thus help to re-balance the world-wide economy. Aid of the emergent ones Finally, one of the points announced like hot before the meeting, the speculations on a possible financial aid of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to the zone Euro, remained in a disposition to collaborate through international the financial institutions.

The minister of Finances of Brazil, Guido Mantega, emphasized that the solution of the crisis is ” responsibility of the leaders europeos” and ” was urgent to them to take measures; without demora”. Simultaneously, Mantega sent to its darts to the countries advanced when warning to them that ” no longer they can handle in case single to the risks of the stability global”. It appealed, for this reason, to the necessity that the re-balancing of forces in the world-wide economy is also reflected in the quota of being able in the international institutions. Source of the news: The IMF concludes its meeting with the eyes put in Europe and the search of the re-balancing.

Florence Brudenell

They have had a short east engagement summer. Enrique has finished the relation to concentrate in his military formation. Prince Enrique of England has left his fianc2ee, the model Florence Brudenell-Brush, because he does not want sentimental fastenings and now he prefers to concentrate itself in his military formation. Thus he assures east Tuesday the newspaper The Daily Mirror, that who remembers that the second son of prince Carlos began to leave with this young person, to all know like " Flee" , the past month of June. Walt Disney Co. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. According to it explained to the newspaper a source near the prince, the grandson of queen Isabel II has enjoyed his friendly this summer and he does not want commitments during his period of instruction like pilot of helicopters Apache. In addition, according to the same source, Enrique wants to return to Afghanistan when its formation finishes. The ephemeral relation of prince Enrique and Florence Brudenell-Brush has finished after both have enjoyed east summer together vacations and traveled, among others places, to the Spanish island of Ibiza. Source of the news: prince Enrique of England leaves his fianc2ee.