Thomas Edison

To implement this concept we must reject the idea that the failure or error means that something is wrong. Failure is a indicator bluntly: we clearly says one thing and that thing is that what we have done, as we have been doing is not working or does not give the result we expected. Sometimes it is a matter of reviewing our ambition. Sometimes it is a matter of changing the means we have tried to achieve that ambition. Failure can also reveal that we were unwise to evaluate or that we have used the wrong criteria when evaluating. It often happens that what is one man's failure to success for others. And this means that the parameters of each are different and not the result itself. A manufacturer of seats which sold 5,000 units a month may feel backfired as 5000 these chairs can represent success for party chair.

Any conclusions we reach about the failure is essentially a hypothesis and for the most part a reaction to disappointment, fear and despair that accompanies the experience of failure. When we experience failure, we must remember that this is a matter of interpretations. Do not suffer for a given fact but by reading that we give to that fact. Before we can interpret the implications of failure, there is an even bigger issue to focus on and that usually goes unnoticed. andon what parameters we use to determine the experience as a failure? We have enough breadth of vision to see the other side of history and recognize that we also obtained benefits? yHemos met someone important otherwise we would not have had the chance to meet? Ynos we learned anything? YES This I call failure, plain and simple recording of something, or is the predictable and necessary brand to the next level of the story? Thomas Edison said that with each failure he had made clear what not to repeat. At least avoided a further delay.