Andre Fischer Takes Over Step2e Sales Line

Step2e builds partner sales strategy consistently from Peter Rampp, CEO of Step2e broadcast AG would be glad to have strengthened its team with a designated such sales professional for further expansion of the dealer network. Andre Fischer in the past 20 years for companies like FAST multimedia, Pinnacle system, Anystream, and DAViD system showed that he can build distribution channels and succeed. Through its extensive international network we can rapidly expand our dealer network and complete.” “Step2e, market leader in the field of intelligent workflow solutions for media companies, has a year ago the sales strategy on dealer distribution moved. we last year already saw that cooperation pays off with dealers”, so Raaj continues, we continue this path now consistently with Andre. He can help also considerably us in business development”. Andre Fischer has deliberately for the offer of Step2e decided there him the combination of product and strategy has convinced: Step2e offers me opportunity and a challenge at the same time, to merge my sales experience, creativity and a wide network within the industry into a single unit. So the innovative and highly flexible solutions can be made accessible by Step2e of a large number of new customers in the domestic and international markets.” The Step2e broadcast AG with their highly integrated workflow solution covers all processes in modern radio and media houses.

All modules (advertising planning, scheduling, Newsroom, media asset management, resource planning and direction control) rely on a database and so interface-free, efficient work. Step2e in Windows, Mac and Linux environments can be used due to the use of Java technology. Step2e has won numerous prestigious Posted on