Cistercian Order

Also, sought for new order, assistance and collaboration of all the nobles and Princes who attended the Council, entrusting to Bernardo de Claraval the task of drafting an original rule for the order of the Knights Templar. Bernardo de Claraval was very clear which was going to be the rule that suit the Templar order and thus used the railway Cistercian rule, which would be adapted to the new military order, in order to organize his monastic life. In this sense, the Knights Templar, as monks of full-fledged, should pronounce the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, adding also a fourth vote, in which they undertook to contribute in the conquest and the conservation of holy land, arriving to give life if necessary. A fact happened in this Council and that you cannot pass unnoticed, would be which referred to the secret as told by Knight Hugo de Payens, which would be known only by the Pope Honorio II and the Patriarch of Jerusalem (in addition to Bernardo de Claraval, of course), which gives us an idea of which should be the real reasons that led to approve military order by the Church. In paragraph No. 4 of the prologue of the Templar rule, we can read: 4. and everything that happened in the Council cannot be counted or recontado; and so it is not taken lightly by us, but considerate wise prudence, we leave it to the discretion of both our honorable father Mr Honorio and noble Patriarch in Jerusalem, Esteban, who knows the problems of the East and of the poor Knights of Christ; We by the common Council Council approved it unanimously. Although a large number of religious parents gathered in Chapter approved the veracity of our words, however not we must silence the true statements and judgments that were issued.

(Taken from the primitive rule of the Trad Templars. Montserrat Robrenyo, Barcelona, 2000). So, is clear that the need that the Knights Templar were officially approved by the Church, obeyed most other hidden interests, which to the be a military order created to protect to the pilgrims of the Holy Land, especially when, for several years ago, there were already other orders who were responsible for this, as the hospitable order of San Juan de Jerusalen, which was later renamed from San Juan de Malta, due to be relocated its headquarters to the island of Malta by King Carlos I in the year 1530.