Curso Animador

-Much more clear is the goal more tension in terms of the occupation in activities that lead to the goal.Cartwight and Zander (1953) conducted an analysis assuming that properties of the objectives of the group are not different from the properties of individual goals. His work presents four theories that establish a relationship between the individual and group objectives:-an objective of the group is an aggregate of such individual goals. -Group aims at objectives that each individual assigned to the group. -Target group depends on the ratio of the motivational systems of the members of the group. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Coen Brothers by clicking through. -The objective of the Group made that members of the group are dedicated to goal-oriented activities.There is at least one common goal that is acceptable by the majority of the group that would be identified as a target group in a group. Members who accept these objectives are motivated to carry out activities that contribute to the achievement of this objective.

This group aims to a desired final State by the most.Once we know what are the objectives, main features and the importance of individual and group goals, should also make and carry out a group programming objectives.This programming of objectives in precise and operating mode by the Group aims to:-know how, when and with what means to achieve them. -Give sense of effectiveness and unity to the group-saving efforts, tensions and doubts, so the group do not feel lost. -Be objective criteria to evaluate the progress of the Group knowing what has been done, what remains to be done and where is with respect to the goal towards which simple caminamos.Como goals in Group programming strategy propose the following steps:-needs/desires/troubleshooting of group. -Translation of those wishes in goals intended to be achieved. -Convert each objective in operating, specifying tasks for their achievement and specifying who, how, what, when have to be run. -Anticipate and provide for the difficulties, rejection and objections that may arise in the execution. -Carry out an assessment and control to verify the achievement of the objectives. Curso Animador specialist groups Dynamics original author and source of the article