To inside understand uncurling of the life of these spaces/places and as the actors if ahead hold of the lived deeply reality., for in such a way, are necessary to know in what it concerns daily. For Lefebvre (1991), nothing linear does not exist, and the daily one if makes in cycles that produce and reproduce ideas, facts, customs, life, etc. for the author: The daily one if composes in cycles and enters in wider cycles. The starts are recomeos and renaissances. This great river, come-the-to be heraclitiano, in the reserve surprises. It does not have nothing linear. (…) The hours, the days, the months, the years, the periods and the centuries if imply. Repetition, mandate, resurrection are categories of the magician, the imaginary one and also of the Real dissimulated under aparncia.' ' (LEFEBVRE, 1991, P.
11). As Lefebvre it places, ' ' great rio' ' it is defined for daily and in the great reserves and the unexpected surprises. It is the relation of this (daily) with its citizens/objects that come in them to answer finish it question dispatch by post: it will be that the spaces ranks are if becoming lived places? I believe the possibility of, understanding ' ' great rio' ' that it empties inside of the terminals, power to answer this question with bigger degree of possible certainty. I will try to understand as the offered services inside of the terminals come to transform these of spaces to the places, modifying the daily one of the people use who it, reflecting in the convivncia, becoming something to be searched and to be improved, being more brief: I will look for to explain the dynamics and transformation of the terminals of bus of $fortaleza as spaces/convivncia places. Exactly with concepts preset for the beginning of the research, during the course of the research, other questions will be able to appear.