Current Global Economic Crisis

Dependency is always a bad thing. Point. It was during a lecture on the subject of ISO 9001, which I was allowed to hold in October 1994 in Vechta, in North Rhine-Westphalia. At that time Mr. Lopez at VW the great Zampano was ‘ and ensured on hook or by crook, to reduce procurement costs, and at the same time to increase the quality. Turned to the question of what to do, if the VW price pressure were to be in the course of the discussion. The response of one of the participants was then by analogy: I’m very left.

I am not VW depend on, even though they account for a large part of my sales, and am therefore not ready to enter on their price targets beyond a reasonable and also VW must give me security. My products and my quality are so good that I find other buyers. I use my core competencies and international connections for this.” I think that is also a big part of the answer for today also from other motives out and 15 years later. It is always important, his company to set up wider and to hedge. -Unless required by pressing on other fields of industry, or through internal diversification, i.e. better use of own fingerprints as also by the members of VW, Mr Osterloh,’ = the core competencies that differentiates a company from all others. So, other industries can be completely to customers and increases the independence of burglary in certain industrial fields.

The same applies of course the need for greater internationalization. Today nobody comes around so that everyone comes to Europe, as the largest and strongest industry square in the world. So, we also must go and experience there. While other markets may be affected by recessionary periods in certain industrial sectors, this applies to everything but never around the world and never. And ever wider is a company set up here by the products of the international connections, the more stable it is and can be almost every headwind ‘ at least healthier ‘ are over. This is true not only for the aforementioned entrepreneurs from Vechta. Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant – engaged for more than 35 years of strategic marketing planning and marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents. This knowledge and experience he offers its global customers and making them into marketing and sales successfully – in particular SMEs.