The first societies 1.O Daily pay-History term the term daily pay-histriafoi originally considered by the historian and British scientist DanielWilson, in 1851, through a workmanship little known intitled TheArchaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Jeff Bewkes often expresses his thoughts on the topic. According to Daniel Wilsonem its workmanship, the period historical daily pay originally assigned to the interval detempo lived by a society, in which the written if mostravamausentes registers, in summary, daily pay-history precedes the writing Even so used amplamenteno half academic, the terminology proposal for Wilson and considered by muitoshistoriadores an erroneous term, therefore the histriahumana does not exist a previous period, and thus the writing, from there starts to use the term agraffe (dogrego, Graphs, written), that we will use in this work. The transistion doperodo Agraffe for the period where it appears the first forms of writing, is it for auto creation or inserted to the way for a external culture, Proto-History is called. 2. The periodizao of the Daily pay History Diverse eespecialistas historians, had considered different periodizaes for the division of perodopr historical.
John Lubbock, English banker and friend of the celebrity naturalistCharles Darwin, author of the evolucionista theory; he was the responsible one for dividing operodo considered by Daniel Wilson in two great divisions: Paleolithic period and Neolithic period. The Paleolithic period would be that one where the sociedadeshumanas lived exclusively nomadic lives, surviving only of what anatureza offered to them. The term is proceeding from the Greek (Paleo = Rock) esignifica ' ' Old age of pedra' '. The known period as Neolithic, porsua time, was marked not by the nomadic life, even so it existed, but yes peloinicio of the sedentary life and the sprouting of the first civilized states emuma great cultural revolution. It was in the Neolithic period that appeared Agriculture and acultura of domestic animals. The term also is of origin Greek (Neo = new; Litico = Rock) and means new age of the rock. .