Data base 1.Banco of Data: Data set or information related between itself and organized of form to facilitate its use on the part of the user. It aims at: to 1.1.Diminuir the busy space for the information; to 1.2.Facilitar the update of the information; to 1.3.Aumentar the research speed; to 1.4.Evitar the information redundancy. 2.Sistema Managemental of Bank of Dados (SGBD): Integrated programs or sets of programs that allow to create and to manipulate databases, where the data are structuralized with independence relatively to the application programs manipulate that them. 3.Structured Query Language (SQL): Specific language to define the conceptual and physical project of a SGBD. It is divided in: 3.1.Linguagem of Definition of Dados (DDL): It carries through operations of definition and alteration of the structure of a data base. 3.2.Linguagem of Manipulation of Dados (DML): It carries through operations of manipulation of data without alteration of the structure of the data base.
3.3.Linguagem of Control of Dados (DCL): Responsible for allowing the access of users to the data base. 4.Entidade: Data set divided in fields or attributes that of some form if find related. 5.Registro: Each relative occurrence to an entity. 6.Atributo Identificador (ID): Responsible attribute for identifying without ambiguities each concrete entity. For each entity an attribute of this type must always exist. Generally, this attribute plays the role of key in an entity or prices. 7.Chave Primria (PK): Identification attribute that represents each occurrence univocal or registers of a table.
Primary keys can be simple (only one attribute) or composed (two or more attributes). 8.Chave Foreign (FK): Attribute of one table that reference the primary key of one another table through a relation. Business Intelligence 1.Business Intelligence (BI): Set of concepts and methodologies that, making same use of events and systems based on, apia the taking of decisions in businesses. It has as main characteristics to extract and to integrate given of multiple sources, to make use of the experience, to analyze given contextualizados, to work with hypotheses, to look to relations of cause and effect and to transform the gotten registers into useful information for the enterprise knowledge.