German Philosophy

It can be adapted organicly, but also it is capable to exceed to organic and 5 CASSIRER, 2005, P. 39 14 to create, as principles defined for pure freedom and autonomy, new conditions its life. We will deal with this question in more details in the following chapter. Still with regard to the modern philosophy, it seems necessary to cite here a great exponent of the German idealismo, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). This philosopher approached the aspects cultural of in agreement man none another one had made before, leaving of the idea of that the productions human beings would be superior to the productions of the proper nature, therefore in man has a principle spiritual that inexists in the remain of the natural world. One is about a sufficiently complex boarding, which we will not be able abiding in them for long paragraphs, either even so important to register it historical present knot. The philosophy contemporary is a little different of the previous phases of the philosophy, and the same if of the one in the antropolgico thought.

Instead of terms an including chain of thought, strong influence? how we had the theological boarding in the Average Age, or the epistemolgica boarding in the Modern Age? , we also have the increasing spalling of sciences and of the other forms of knowledge. Thinkers as Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) and Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in them had brought important boardings regarding the existence human being, depositing in same it the main factor of the essence of the Humanity: in the existence, in the actions, the decisions, the man finds its Being, what he makes of it a human being. Before such conception, the man becomes fully it exempts and autonomous worker, and moreover, responsible. From a conception as this, we can observe a great valuation of the man while individual, responsible person for the world that constructs.