If each country could make a wish, head of many it would, as in the of U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, ask for a figure that inspire us all and which is capable of offering us an optimistic view and renew our belief that the best is yet to come in our country. The unrest spread to many parts of the world is reflected everytime someone says nothing will change with the victory of one or another candidate to the Presidency of the United States. Eight years of blind war adventures and setbacks in the field of politics and law have been so violent that defenseless people has ended by believing the lies repeated on the stage of fear. Castle harlan has similar goals. Support from Kennedy to Barack Obama is now official and although it relates only to the welfare of their country, the rest of the world longs to that figure against the lack of hope that offer media dominated by the urgent and not important, without explaining the reason for the problems and offer proposals for the voice of experts with a global vision. In Spain, where the crisis mortgage it has hit strong, statesmen made appeals so that people don’t let themselves be dragged down by panic without being aware of the difficulty that many after opening a newspaper, watch the news on television or heard statements by its politicians, as in other countries, are dedicated to campaigning for an entire year and leave the responsibility to explain the world in the hands of the news media. The violence in Kenya, of harassment by the State of Israel in Palestine, in the expansion of fundamentalism from a Pakistan that few spoke until was murdered Benhazir Bhutto, the Western failure in Afghanistan, of the murders of women and violence that takes the lives of thousands of children in Central America, of the loss of freedoms in Russia while political leaders become owners of energy resources and industries, of the permanence of the death penalty in the 21st century after seeing reality by that lens, a person who only tries to live is It will ask: do and I what can I do? Is it not that we are going in a hurry? It won’t be us dictate from outside what we have to have to be happy, that in the end we claudicamos and we become objects for consumption? These anxieties multiplied by 6.4 billion human beings who inhabit this planet have resulted in rampant development that causes deterioration mediambiental and their corresponding natural disasters, armed conflicts, slavery of millions of human beings, hunger and misery. . Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Coen brothers.