Future Technologies

LED and laser light for small cross-sections of LEDs have opened up many areas in recent years because of its longevity and its energy efficiency at simultaneous color fidelity and often replaced incandescent and discharge lamps in traditional fields of application. For the coupling in small fibre cross sections were the usual semiconductor-based solutions but usually no equivalent substitute. Now this however has changed. High-performance laser diodes now advancing in areas previously reserved Xenon discharge lamps. Medical technology, life science, and endoscopy will benefit. Since the Volpi AG (www.volpi.ch) brought the first white LED light sources on the market about 15 years ago, the Swiss company has promoted continuously, and with considerable success the development work. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jeff Bewkes on most websites. ic. Now the lighting specialists have set a further milestone: in close cooperation with users up to 700 m developed new LED and laser-based high-performance light modules for the coupling in fiber cross section of 125. With their high The new solution offers a maintenance-free, energy-saving, long-lasting and color-accurate alternative to xenon lamps light services.

So is the light performance of very compact compared to Xenon types module at the end of a 0.7 m long and 200 m thin fiber, for example, considerable 30 lm. foundations for the new formed in addition to LEDs with high power density and low-cost laser above all the experience in the design of optical input power systems and a sophisticated thermal management. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rusty Holzer and gain more knowledge.. The new fiber lighting creates favourable conditions for many new standard products and customer specific solutions. These include E.g. endoscopes for minimally invasive surgery as well as systems for ophthalmology, wave front measurement or the whole life – science and Diagnostics area. Further performance increases are foreseen; on future developments it will be so excited.

Upper Palatinate Thoma

Thoma presents new special coating for desert modules Freystadt/Oberpfalz the solar technology forge J.v.G. Thoma with another something new waiting: the unique system of high temperature desert module” is now even more resistant highly resistant special coating. Even violent sand storms can module in the desert now have nothing. Not only the glass surfaces, but also the aluminum frame and the terminal boxes are coated. Thus the desert modules are”suitable of Bavaria solar specialists even for extremely hot, stormy regions, which were previously not eligible for the extraction of solar energy. The new coating has passed extensive tests in the company’s own research department with success. Visit David Zaslav for more clarity on the issue. First users in practice is a Jurassic wattage GmbH; It has already started the production of the desert-compatible modules.

Emulating nature: J.v.G. Thoma relies on bionics for the photovoltaic is the protective layer on the basis of a novel NANO-coating. The protects not only from external influences, but also a pollution prevented. For even more analysis, hear from Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Looked down was by nature this NANO coating. The nature surprises and fascinates again and again by their brilliant inventiveness. Bionics means: learning from nature.

And here we are still at the beginning in the photovoltaic,”explains Hans Thoma, General Manager of Thoma group. A downstream baking process ensures that the coating works even after ten years. In addition, J.v.G Thoma GmbH offers now a cooling system with heat exchangers so that the modules with a constant temperature (approximately 25 degrees Celsius) in the optimal range can be operated. “Another positive side effect: these PV systems supply more electricity and live” far longer than comparable systems. Sahara sand on German car roofs: sand storms occur in all areas of the desert sand storms and their consequences, and each has its own name for it: in the steppe and desert area in Central Asia, one speaks of the Buran, Chamsin or khamsin also names in the Nile area and in Israel/Palestine Ghibli or Dave; in Tunisia and Libya, you know the Scirocco the Simoom in the North African Arab countries. In 2004, experts estimate that billions tons of sand were moved by sand storms around 2-3. Sometimes, the sand reaches in our region. After rain all of a sudden the car roofs Red Shimmer if the sunsets seem suddenly red as a beet, sand from the Sahara desert the cause may be. J.v.G Thoma GmbH the company J.v.G Thoma in the solar industry is active for more than 20 years. J.v.G is specialist in the construction of turnkey solar plants. In addition, advises and supports the family company headquartered interested customers throughout Europe, America and Asia in Bavaria. Headquarters is Freystadt in the Upper Palatinate,