Such greatness, and impotence at the same time, trying to classify certain watertight compartments, the immeasurable creative capacity of the imagination of a human creature, in how much to use of certain expressive means with which intended to convey their impressions of the environment that surrounds him. Paradoxically, an adult, who intends to speak with some authority about the proper way to interpret the meaning, a simple sheet of paper, scrawled by a child, without a doubt, must have a very strong academic background, as well as a vast experience concerning the various expressive forms that often use children to communicate. The greater the degree of knowledge which we can achieve in relation to the study of human behavior, we will see that proportionally to the degree of progress that we reach, grow in us the intimate conviction, which is greater than the path that we need to get to the top, than the long distances travelled since we took consciousness of our absolute ignorance. I only know that I know nothing Socrates blinding ignorance confuses us. Fatal miserable Oh, open your eyes.! Leonardo Da Vinci when I stop, as now, overflowed by the creative capacity of some girls, that give life on a simple sheet of paper, as if this paper is an imaginary scenario where stamped their innocent experiences, they come to my mind the words of this Psalm of David: O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is thy name in all the Earth.! You have set your glory above the heavens; From the mouth of children and those who, you was the fortress, because of your enemies, to silence the enemy and the vengeful. When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the Moon and the stars which you fashioned, I say: who is the man, so you have the memory, and the son of man, so that you visit it.? ‘Ve done you little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor.