Orient and advise on the career and personal goals definition as well as a strategy to achieve them, according to their situation and the current market. Specific training networking, resume management of selection interviews, Executive building, establishing channels for access to the market, etc. Educate yourself with thoughts from Paul Ostling. Basic components of a policy of Outplacement: * unlock situations of employment stagnation, eliminating the cost which means its postponement * establish a consensus among organizational actors, avoiding a deterioration in the work environment and productivity * constitute part of a company’s human resources policies * must be transparent and diffused through the Organization * total involvement of top management * avoid decapitalization of human resources, considering the interest of the company. * Support the reintegration of workers who must leave the organization with new tools and media * preferentially, should direct support to professional groups with the greatest difficulties in the employment market. (apuntesuniversidad.com) benefits of the Outplacement for the contributor provides counseling and addressing for its future activities, be they business, or working through a team of professionals who provide advice to the labour market in relation to the aspects of legal and legal, economic and human resources. It helps understand and positively manage the process of change in which it is immersed.
Identify their strengths and aspects to improve skills, abilities and style staff, to successfully face new challenges. It gives the possibility to provide beneficial information on the labour market, specifically by specialty, industry segments, levels of remuneration, etc. Evidence of the possibilities of the market information, your personal marketing plan and make an active search, effectively campaign. For example: optimizing the possibilities when presenting its candidature for a particular job (interviews, negotiations, market research). Benefits of the Outplacement for client counseling in the process of disengagement of its collaborators, reducing the emotional conflict. The delinking is perceived by the victim as a challenge and a new opportunity, rather than a break. The participant remains grateful with the Organization and its authorities demonstrated concern, with regard to their future. Are you re-encuentra personal, professional and though, reaching motivation and optimism about their own future.
It helps others contributors to receive welfare and safety on the part of the organization with respect to his person. The management of human resources develops in full form.