This implies and requires that assume also in a comprehensive way both our preparation and specialization and our functions. -Borja (1994) also indicates other basic functions of the educator of toy libraries:-transmit and increase recreational heritage. -Carry out projects, schedule your work and assess outcomes, interventions to innovate. -Serving users at their normality and diversity. -Critically analyze toys, games, recreational materials, spaces and game situations. -Perform inventories, classifications and categorizations of leisure funds.
-Perform loans, place and keep the toys. -Draw up information and promotion services that pay the playroom. -Design, organize, carry out and evaluate programs and collective leisure activities. -Contact and coordinate with experts, institutions and agencies. -Know and use the legislative framework.
Manage the institution. -Find and manage financial resources. -Dinello (1993), in terms of the formation of human resources for the toy libraries defends, as a minimum a cycle 120 hours of study, which should include practical activities. -Cunha (1994), argues that who is going to work in the playroom, must be someone who wants to play, that children like him and have love to give: ‘ although there is the technical side to be considered, first of all have to think about the human side of people that are going to be that team, because if don’t have happy people, affective and willingness to work, will not be the Ludoteca certainly you cannot build a Brinquedoteca without optimism, not only in relation to the project but also to let know others. The Ludotecario must be, therefore, an enthusiastic professional who is prepared continuously, who meditates, invents, observes, sings, plays and is able to convey their emotions and capture the others. Essentially, the functions of the Ludotecario as an animator of this type of educational institution, will be summarized in:-function observer: because researches, investigates and is attentive to the changes and innovations in the world of the game, toys, pedagogy – facilitator function: is a mediator able to attract potential users and, at the same time, making accessible the institution and its services to society.