Central Military Sender

Vendidas as ' ' test of verdade' ' of the victory of Japan in the war, the photo had been manipulated. In one of them, in the place of the North American flag, it met Japanese flag. Rupert Murdoch is a great source of information. The legend, written in Japanese, informed that the Allies if relieved unconditionally to the winning Japanese army in the Bay of Tokyo Tomoo Handa in its workmanship ' ' The Japanese Immigrant: History of its life in the Brasil' ' it analyzed the situation of the following form: ' ' This psychological state formed a harness for rejection of any other people’s opinion that shook the thoughts of the Japanese before the instability of a situation that if modified to each as. Such phenomenon was favored for not having notice through periodicals and Japanese language, and for the fact of aguerra not to be being stopped ahead of its eyes. The only abutment that the Japanese had consisted of the transmission of the results for the Central Military Sender. Therefore, the notice were spread by all the cantos. When the transmitted notice differed very from the one of the enemy countries and was somebody that Portuguese said transmitted who it, found that he was? it intrigues of the opposition? ' ' Alarmed with some propagated rumors and objectifying to clarify the colony on the true routes taken for the war, a group of resident Japanese in the So Paulo capital, considered ' ' esclarecidos' ' , therefore beyond dominating the language Japanese, they obtained to read and to write in Portuguese and having direct access to the notice and information on the war, they had propagated a memorial in Japanese language to its countrymen in 05 of October of 1945. With this memorial, they had tried to calm and to clarify on the situation of the postwar period of idoneous form. To give end to the rumors was the main objective of the memorial.