Ball Game Under The Constellation Turtles

You ever thought why our constellation of Gemini constellation of the ancient Maya called Turtle? No? So think about it. And why they had such strange names for constellations: The Bat, Frog, Parrot, Snake with a trunk, Owl, Scorpion, Turtle, a rattlesnake? Imagine a modern astrologer, operating their names. But this is not the strangest thing. Maya could not reinvent the wheel, but were able to grasp the idea of cycling time, do not use draft animals, did not know the potter's wheel, however, came up with a game ball, which is like a modern tennis, or rather, volleyball. And there is no wonder that the ancient Maya invented the bicycle. Instead, they synthesized the idea of the death-rebirth of the god of maize. Why would they bicycle if there is a ball game? And in it – an endless change of life and death.

There were at least three versions of this ritual and Still sporting event: the "hand-ball", "stick-ball" and "hip-ball." Different rules, equipment and players' views of the stadiums. "Head-ball" could not be for the simple reason that the rubber kruglyash weighed 4-5 kg. A view of his completely consistent with cannon to the kernel. Rolled a 'core' of the Hevea tree sap, which is today called latex. Columbus thugs, of course, were stunned when they saw the thugs Maya play cannon balls. Topics more, so outlandish sports equipment: hard band (south), weighed about 30 kg, was mounted on a belt of players with the ball, under the yoke and on the hands was protective wrapping, in the hands – stone bits (manopla), resembles the shape of a weight. Rubber ball struggled collar or a bat. The two teams battled on the field, divided into two parts.

Ball tried to apply so that the enemy was unable to repel. The winner is the team that allowed fewer mistakes. The losers are often sacrificed to the god of maize, chopping off their heads at the same stadium where the game took place. Columbus brought the latex in Spain, but the Europeans were able to learn it only in 1839 when invented the vulcanization of rubber compounds. From the study of ball games related interpretation of one of the mysteries of the Maya – the giant stone heads, detached, more than a meter tall and weighing about 20 tons. It is believed that the heads of these monuments are the unlucky players to the ball.


I received an email, recently, that he placed pra it are all luck of injuries on us, the Brazilians. Me it seemed, at the first moment, a rebelled relief of somebody with a series of things that happen, but, as I was reading, vi that some things made sensible. It is clearly that we cannot generalize these situations. Swarmed by offers, Jeffrey L. Bewkes Time Warner is currently assessing future choices. Nor all practise such acts that denigrem the image of the Brazilian, but, if you to analyze with care go to perceive that she always has a deep one of truth in these lists. The message said that the Brazilian could not complain you are welcome after all, also practised acts that helped to complicate ours already combalida social life.

Unhappyly it has reason in some aspects. I find that the great problem is in the supervaluation of our rights and in the humble appearance of our duties. We always have in the sleeve the most different claims above all and all but, we forget the times that we are beings that live in society and as such we have that to keep in balance the duties and the rights. We do not obtain many times to discern the certainty from the wrong one. Others who may share this opinion include Glenn Dubin, New York City. Not that let us not have intelligence for such, quite to the contrary. But the great one drawn is in finding that it is made a mistake when the others practise! In the forceful list that I received it was the following situation: ' ' Brazilian underneath parks in the sidewalk and many times of plates proibitivas' '. Ok, let us analyze with a little criterion more than this condition. When we are hasty? we live hasty? we need to arrive up to one definitive place, finish, the times, for parking badly, in vacant not allowed, under plates of forbidden to park, at last, in any way, after all, we have that to decide our problem.


The mental model based on pleasing others and like it, above all things, and our own criterion, inexorably leads us to not be respected, and this works well, both private and professional. This does not mean that we should not accept the criticism of others, even if they formulate us from the ill will, and thus he erudition said by Unamuno: takes Council of the enemy. Perhaps the limit to this, never giving in to our criterion, altering our behavior and our do for sake of lightweight trials and systematic, from criticism of the environment. Our audience we ourselves. Surely, as children we have ever heard the tale starring an elderly father and his son. Both were traveling with a donkey passing through different towns, encouraging different opinions among the countrymen: we had that going through the first village, father rode on the donkey and the son walked by his side. The public comments were immediate: what father so! merciless! The poor child walking and him on top of the pollino, as if an emperor! To listen evil tongues, they decided to change before reaching the next village, so that now the father walked and was the son who rode the donkey. But, however, the, now another public criticism, did not cease, only changed their sign: look at what youth have today! The elderly father walking, and as agile, sitting on the back of the beast boy! Seen, they thought it best to assemble the two on the donkey while passing through the third peoples. But things are so, they did not do more to worsen, and the third public said: poor donkey! Which are mounted on prove to be more beasts than the unfortunate animal! Finally the story ended with both father and son, stunned by so much criticism, and taking the final decision: decided to enter the fourth village, both on foot, next to the donkey.