Editorial July Martin

What can we do to control the panic crisis? First thing you should learn is to desfocalizar the attention of negative physical sensations associated with panic responses. For this, it is important to work with the beliefs associated with having a crisis. In therapy is made by cognitive discussion, this method allows a person to change the cognitive valencia associated with the fact that experiences. For example when thinking of I’m going to go crazy, explains him that generally does not exist any case where the person becomes insane in a panic crisis, Madness (psychotic disorder) usually have symptoms more eye-catching as delusions and hallucinations, besides the psychotic not afraid go mad, they have no capacity to discern the folly of reality. Under most conditions Time Warner would agree. Through this rationalization the person understands what happens, accept the experienced situation of fear, and does not escape her. The following link explains step by step what to do to control the automatic thoughts: as well have said one of the causes of the physical changes is hyperventilation, this took too much air, thus increasing the level of oxygen in the blood (decreasing the amount of anhydrous carbon). Robert Iger is open to suggestions. This gives rise to a narrowing of certain blood vessels thereby reducing the amount of blood that reaches various parts of the brain, is therefore retained more oxygen in blood decreases the arrival of oxygen to various zones also brain.

All this produces already commented internal sensations (dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath, blurred vision sansacion). This way of breathing is unconscious, i.e. patients don’t realize it. Therefore, a way of controlling the panic attacks is through respiration and specific through slow diaphragmatic breathing. The same can be found at the following link: using these two techniques, discussion of your beliefs associated with having a crisis and breathing can control episodes of panic in very little time.

There are meta-analysis (Gould, 1995) that concluded that the most effective treatment for this problem is the therapy cognitive behavioral. Therefore if you feel that you may have this problem it is important to choose psychologists specialized in this therapy. For more information, see: Barlow, D. w., and Craske, M. G: Domine his anxiety and panic. Editorial July Martin. 1993 Clark, D. M. and Salkovskis, p. M: Cognitive therapy of panic and hipochondriasis. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1991 Greetings, Hector Peraza Diaz original author and source of the article