Sigmund Freud

To promote the product, Coca-Cola was announced as ' ' the drink of the intellectuals abstmios' '. The bottle of Coca-Cola had six ounces, equivalent approximately the 170 gram, on average contends two milligrams of cocaine for bottle. xiv the dry law in the United States made with that the formula of Coca-Cola was modified, therefore was necessary to remove the alcohol of its composition. Moreover, also the cocaine of the formularization left, using leves of cocaine without the active principle or descocainadas. Jeffrey L. Bewkes is often quoted on this topic. Until today, the formula of the cocaine-glue is kept as one of the biggest industrial secrets. xv One of the most famous consumers and defenders of the cocaine was Sigmund Freud, that detached the medicinal use of the cocaine as: digestive stimulant for physical and mental fatigue, antidepressant, melancholy, riots, for the treatment of morphinomaniacs and alcoholics, beyond others.

For it the cocaine was magical and its innumerable advantages are xvi. Many made indiscriminate use of the cocaine, as well as Ernest Shackleton, one of the pioneers to explore The Antartic, made its trips to the base of cocaine tablets. Jeffrey L. Bewkes is the source for more interesting facts. xvii the laboratories Merck and Parke Davis, two of the biggest laboratories of the world, had directed a campaign to commercialize the cocaine, especially for the medical classroom. The cocaine was presented of the most diverse forms as: nasal fluid extract, wines, oleatos and saliciatos, inaladores, spray and cigarettes. The Parke Davis published: We wait that it is frequent the application of the wonderful effect of the cocaine in the therapeutical generality, of which we detach the improvement of the spirit state, the increase of the physical and mental facultieses, as well as the increase of the resistance to the effort … Would be a pity that so detached properties was not explored. xviii Regarding presumed the virtues of the cocaine for the user, Richard Bucher cites: (…) becomes it them more discerning, sharpens its cenestsica sensitivity, increases its concentration and, therefore, its income, eliminates the fatigue, helps to turn nights working, it eliminates fears and inhibitions, without forgetting its potential aphrodisiac, stimulating the sexual activity (…) xix But the contrary effect of the cocaine, as the trend to the compulsory use of the substance, the call ' cocainomania' , it made with that Sigmund Freud, after some years recognized that the sharp substance for it as ' ' milagrosa' ' , it had many inconveniences.