Better to understand the intrinsic relation between fiction and historical history numcontexto and locating the author in the time and the space that it writes, we appeal at many moments to the concepts of Leonardo Affonso and SidneyChalhoub that disclose in them: ' ' for historians literature is, at last, testemunhohistrico' ' (CHALHOUB & PEAR TREE, 1998, P. 6). A related site: Brian Roberts mentions similar findings. thus, being ' ' testemunha' ' dahistria it passes in them to unmask the historical facts of the time where the foiambientada fiction, on the experience of the writer. Under this Sevcenko look it considers ' ' literature that it says aohistoriador on the history that did not occur, on the possibilities that novingaram, on the plans that not if concretizaram' ' (SEVCENKO, 1999, P. 21).
In Francisco Galvo, we collate in them with the distortion enters the time delanamento of the workmanship that occurred in 1934 and its ambientao in 1906. Paracompreender this relation of historical time and the ficcionista time, recorremosao philosopher Paul Ricoeur, who in its Tempoe workmanship narrative, in offers some multiple reflections to them concerning the time, amongst them the proximity enters the intentions of the social historian and the doromancista how much to the act to tell. The philosopher affirms that histria' ' reinscreve the time of the narrative in the time of universo' ' (RICOEUR, 1997, P. 317). To explanar its conception, the philosopher speaks of historicizaao of the fiction, supported in Weinrich, standes out that the time does not have proper function, not to serindicar the organization of the narrative, by means of its indications, such as, verbal osmodos and times, that make with that the reader can catch the distenso domomento in greater or minor degree. In this in case that, the paper of the workmanship, Land of or escola’ conceives suaarte? ‘ ‘ (CHALHOUB AND PEAR TREE, 1998, P. 8).