To appreciate a photograph is, normally, one instant of pleasure, derecordao, of what already we saw or we live or simply we know we eadmiramos. Many times we observe, in the photograph, details and scenes quaisnem of them at least participate, but that in certain way they evoke souvenirs that in the sosignificativas or that evoke instants that we would like to eternalize. (…) Afotografia exerts powerful attraction on they contemplate that it or they study, possible comodocumento of multiple interpretations and answers. He is not only obelo, exotic or the original of a photo that arrests our attention, but apossibilidade to know a certain reality, inside of a certain context. (…) But the photograph is not depleted in its aesthetic potential.
In this direction, we could affirm that the importance of the photograph as source for ahistria' dom would inhabit in this its to allow to yesterday visualize and the other emseus contours of verdade'. (…) The reading of the photograph it always demands aformao of sequences to complete its message and a quepermita hierarquizao to penetrate the internal relations of the social status or an expressive ordenaocronolgica. The reading can be made by qualitative metaphors ouatravs of symmetries and assimetrias that bind the universe to the human destination and ordem social, or through binary codes that in significadoslatentes will supply to them, from manifestos as clothes, the habitation, the gestures, oalimento and the physical expressions and marks. (…) The photograph must serconsiderada as cultural product, fruit of social work of sgnica production. A message that if wants to transmit, intencionalmente' '. (SENNA, 2008, p.80-82) One of the subjects most excellent of the histriario-grandina formation, the question of the Port and the Bar, is debated large-scale porvariada documentation. In this direction, a documentary enrollment on the temapermite ' ' that the reading bar contact with some of the microcosms they queconstituram the universe represented for the historical process of the melhoramentospretendidos ones and entabulados in the direction to decide the problems of access to principal' door of entrada' of the Rio Grande Do Sul ' '.