Facebook Systems

In which we almost took of 2011 there has been day in that we did not have knowledge of some attack to the computer science systems of companies or governments, who of more or less serious way outside affected to users and particular clients or with the robbery of personal data, banking, directions of electronic mail or no any information that could have stored the corporations in their servants. As example of these cases we have to Sony, Citibank, Google, Honda Canada and a long list of others, in our country we have the recent example of Inteco. These attacks are mounted by people described with I finish already known by all, hackers. Nowadays this term suggests the image of a person who in a dark room and to high hours of the dawn tries with harmful intentions to accede to the system of some company or governmental organization, but this to us not always has been thus. The Hack term at first talked about to a simple, creative and elegant solution for a problem. In many cases they did not happen to be practical jokes. With the passage of time went associating to the field of the computer science programming, where a Hack was the creation of something new and innovating in programming.

Today, these practical jokes and creations have been transformed into attacks coordinated with clear economic aims, or own benefit like causing lost for the victim. By all it is known that risk zero is impossible to reach, will always exist forms to break a security system and is for that reason reason why important companies like Google or Facebook, that are white very substantial for hackers, have resorted to that one saying of if you cannot with your enemy, nete to him, and of this form they offer rewards to which discovers and they communicate faults to them of security in his systems. The present situation that we are living is a great preoccupation and perhaps even more important annoyance for companies and users but that this, is possible a lost one of confidence in the systems computerized yet what it entails in a world where more and more we trusted our data to these tools. They are undeniable the benefits that contribute to the advances in the digital world and its evolution to us are unstoppable, but the happened cases this year make silverplate themselves if the security has been sacrificed to obtain a faster and profitable advance. The question of if the companies put all average ones to protect their systems before sending them and protecting therefore the information of their clients this in the air. udea, Security of the Information Alvaro Aritio Department of Management

Best Asian Film

Moviegoers are ready to meet in Barcelona to attend the 12th edition of the BAFF – Festival of Asian cinema this spring, in particular from April 30 to May 9. You can not miss it because this year will be even more films than in previous editions: a total of 70 films and 6 programs of short films, in addition to the momentum that is going to give to the animation. The festival will be the stage where the brightest talents of the region will be presented. So those who are housed in a hotel in Barcelona you can enjoy their presentations. Some of the best movies of these stars are Paju of Park Chan-ok, Like You Know It All of Hong Sang – soo and the latest contribution of and whose appearance at the festival is already a tradition Adolfo Alix, entitled Aurora. Alix also directed with Raya Martin another film in the section known as Manila, so that those who attend will have two opportunities to continue his work.

In this year’s Edition is You can see movies that are projected at the Rex cinema, cinema Aribau Club 2, CCCB Hall and CCCB Auditorium, with a full program of screens available on the website of the festival. On the other hand, most of those movies come from Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Philippines, Taiwan and Viet Nam. Bong Joon-ho who will be Mother, Johnnie To with his last work Vengeance and Tsai Ming-liang, one of the few Asian directors who has been able to distribute commercially in Spain and this year will present Visage are among the other big names that will present their work at the event. The price per session is 6.50, but there are discounts for those who attend more than one film, since there are available fertilizers of five entries per 25, as well as fertilizers of ten entries per 45. Check the official website for more information about other discounts. If you’re going to attend BAFF Barcelona Asian Film Festival this year, we recommend that you reserve your hotel in Barcelona as soon possible, given the popularity of the event.